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In the short story "How to Tell a True War Story" by Tim O'Brien and the excerpt from Catch- by Joseph Heller we see that in war survival is not only meant physically, the more important is the psychological survive which is not given, when the insanity grows. In this constellation truth changes. In war, sometimes the truth seems so hard and unnecessary and a lie could be a guarantee for survival. In the O'Brien story, truth is a very important idea as the title shows. There is shown that in war truth is ambiguous and has changed totally "The old rules are no longer binding, the old truths no longer true. Right spills over into wrong." (O'Brien 181) And that is the problem for the sanity. How can one know what is true, what is right. When you watch the beauty of the war, "the harmonies of sound" what "commands you" (181), your real life is in danger too, because lead by the beauty you may do dangerous things without thinking. And is this right? Is this the truth of the war? Nobody knows, and in fact you are alone with your one interpretation of truth and the loss of sanity. In some cases the hard truth has a direct influence to a person involved into the war. We have Bob Kiley, who lost his best friend in the war. This is the first step to his insanity. Then by writing a letter to the sister of his friend he "pours his heart out" (175) which helps him to become more sane. But at the end the truth of the no reaction of this sister leads him back to insanity "The dumb cooze never writes back." (175) This is so hard for Bob, he does not understand this woman and because of this "he went to automatic" (180), he does not think anymore about the things he does and the consequences. First his soul died and maybe he would die himself because he has no more interest in his life and may do dangerous things. The importance of the psychological survival in the war is shown in the Mitchell Sanders story. It shall be a "listening-post operation"(176). A group of soldiers has to spend a week in the mountains "and listen for enemy movement". (176) After a little while just listening they here voices and sounds which do not exist. The problem is that speaking is forbidden and the aim is not to get crazy because of these voices. The sanity and the psychological survival are here very important. The truth is not clear. The truth is, that they hear voices but on the other hand the truth is too, that these voices do not exist.
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In the Heller excerpt the situation is different. Here the problem is within the army structure and especially the personal problems of Major Major. The sanity of MM was a problem before he went to the army, when he was very influenced by others. The parents have told him to go to the Army, then in the Army he did not change "he was told to kill, and he killed" (Heller 48). It seems he behaves like a machine without thinking about the consequences. "Life in cadet school for MM was no different than life had been for him all along." (50) There was everywhere someone who told him what is right. I would say, that he does not know what is true or not true.The change comes with the death of Major Duluth when MM became the squadron commander. "For MM it meant the end of the game." He has to make own decisions, he has responsibility for others and he is alone. The truth of his position makes him insane. In his loneliness without any good advice he decides to invent names to signature important documents. But in the observation from a C.I.D. man he seems to help to come to a solution but in truth he lies. "MM had lied, and it was good." (57) Now "he was free to continue his work." (57) For MM lie becomes truth and he does not feel so alone anymore. In his view he feels more sane and his only aim is that nobody disturbs his work. For him his work and his own truth, the lies, are a guarantee for his psychological survival.Even if MM is not directly involved in war like Captain Yossarian, he feels responsible for the country. This is the conflict when Yossarian wants to talk with him. Yossarian is anxious about his life and hopes that MM could help him. He searches help to survive the real battle "Let somebody else get killed." (5) But for MM the only important thing is the country. He thinks that Yossarian is important for the victory of the country. But for Yossarian truth is different "There are ten million men in uniform who could replace me." (6) Both men have their own truth, their own understanding about responsibility. And for both the only important thing is to survive this period of war. For Yossarian it is physical survival and for MM it is the psychological survival. In both stories we have no direct confrontation with the real war, the battle, but we see how war could influence people. For Major Major a lie becomes truth. He learns something about responsibility. For the soldiers in the mountains the truth does not exist anymore, because the truth becomes personally and influenced by sanity or insanity. A lie, which in war is not so bad, could be necessary for sanity and sanity for the survival. The values of everyday-life exist no longer, truth is not so important, nobody cares about sanity. The big aim for all is to survive, physically and psychologically. Postmodern American Fiction. A Norton Anthology. Paula Geyh, Fred G. Lebron and Andrew Levy, eds., W. W. Norton & Co. New York, 18, p.174-18 (O'Brien), p.45-6 (Heller). Please note that this sample paper on CHANGES IN WAR is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on CHANGES IN WAR, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on CHANGES IN WAR will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.
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