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Most people are completely ambivalent about meat. They like to eat meat, yet they do not like to know exactly how the food found its way to the dinner plate. Lovenheim's "Portrait of a Burger as a Young Calf" portrays Loveinheim as both a narrator and moral actor as he follows the lives of two beef calves on a dairy farm and experiences what exactly happens from birth to death. Americans have a strong disconnect about where food comes from and make critical judgments about farming, but in actuality, the farming industry is necessary because it feeds the entire nation. Many situations in the book stood out and left an impact on how food is actually prepared before being sent to the supermarket and what exactly we are eating. Promotional toys sold at fast food chains, the treatment of calves once they are born, and raising calves for the sole purpose of food are significant perspectives in the book that left lingering thoughts and perplexed ideas about the whole cattle industry. Fast food chains are often selling cute little animal toys to go along with a kid's meal. Being naïve about the correlation between animal toys and burgers at a fast food chain, children and many adults never think twice about the irony of the whole situation. The truth is however, that what the world sees as a hamburger rarely crosses our minds as a cute furry animal. On a trip with his family, Lovenheim waits in line with his daughter to buy a beanie toy that comes with the Happy Meal. Surprised, he saw that a bright red bull named "Snort" and a black and white cow named "Daisy" were two of the options for the beanies. This situation reveals much about how Americans think about food. Loveinheim states "It seemed to me the McDonald's-Beanie Baby promotion revealed a deep disconnect between what we eat and where it comes from" (xii). People on average, do not tend to think about how their food gets from "point a" to "point b" as is clearly illustrated by McDonald's offering cute animal toys to children with the actual dead animal on the side. People may be so naïve because they find it best not to admit and acknowledge the truth. Many people know that a burger comes from a cow, poultry comes from a chicken, and bacon comes from a pig, but it's the actual idea of killing the animal and preparing it to look like the food in restaurants and our dinner tables they we usually leave out of our minds.
Buy From Conception to Consumption term paper
Loving all kinds of meat, as well as all kinds of animals, I believe I fit very well into the category of "trying" to be naïve about the real facts of meat and where it comes from. When I was a kid, I even had a stuffed pig that I would bring everywhere, probably even to food chains like McDonalds or Burger King. I never thought twice about where my food came from, and to this day, I still really do not. It's almost like the "American way" to not ask questions and just eat what you get. If I lived on a farm like Lovenheim did and experienced what he experienced, my thoughts and opinions would change about where meat comes from. Being around animals all day and then realizing what they are there to do would make me feel too nauseous and guilty about eating meat. Until then, I find it best not to think about it and let the farmers do the raising. Another idea in the novel that was a bit perplexing was how farmers treat the calves once they are born. What was most disturbing was the segregation by sex of newborns and the denial to males of colostrums. The essence of the mothers milk helps infant animals build strength and immunity. Sadly, male cows are quickly removed from their mother once they are born like the calf from mother cow #160. The calf was quickly taken away from its mother after a short 40 minute time with her and #160 was left pacing back and forth wondering what happened to its child. This situation was completely heartbreaking and also confusing as the calf only stayed with its mother for less than an hour. But learning the ways on a dairy farm, the brutal truth is that, for human purposes, the males dont need colostrums because they dont produce milk, and their only value is to be turned into hamburger or some other kind of meat. The males therefore, often end up sick throughout the book, because they did not receive appropriate nutrients when they were young. Of course the calves would need to be taken away from their mother at some time, but I never realized how "quick" and insensitive the process seems to be. The hard fact to realize is that the cows on the farm are treated like money and not like a family friend. Things are done a certain way in order for work to be efficient. The farming industry is a business devoted to distributing meat and other animal products. Cows therefore, are losing part of their natural life cycle with their mother in order to become what we buy in the stores. A final thought about Lovenheim's book was simply the fact that farmers were raising cows just so they could kill them in several months. To me, this seems to be really inhumane. The farmers get to know the cow, spend time with it, and then kill it after a specific time period. After reading the book, I still thought this action was pretty cruel, but realized that the workers on the farm do it for a living and have probably adjusted to the killings of the animals they have taken care of for months. As Marshall states, "I grew up on a farm loving cows. I still love cows to this day; I just have to make a living out of it" (46). It's their job to raise the cattle, and then be able to have it killed, so they must be really devoted to their job. Not many people are involved in the farming industry so it's a good thing at least some are. Loveinheim's book did a great job at portraying life on a dairy farm and what cows go through from the time they are born till the time they die. There is indeed a great disconnect between what we eat and our knowledge of where it comes from. Most Americans tend to stay clear of knowing where their food comes from and let the farmers do all the "dirty" work. The farming industry is very hard working and makes up very little of the population, yet supplies the entire world with the food on their tables.
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