Wednesday, July 28, 2021


If you order your cheap research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on birds. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality birds paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in birds, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your birds paper at affordable prices!

BIRD TABLE TIPSWhy feed garden birds?I became interested in birds as a child living in the Perthshire countryside, and re-discovered the joys of bird-watching as an adult while on holiday with friends. I still find it odd that many people have no curiosity about the small bird flitting through the bushes, or the elegant wader on the beach. I need to know what they are, and, where they have come from. And now that I can recognise most of the familiar British species, I love to see a rare bird for the first time, and to look for more exotic species on foreign holidays. But even if the robin, the greenfinch and the wren have become instantly recognisable in the woodland, there is still something special about seeing them at close quarters in your garden.

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And feeding garden birds not only provides hours of pleasure to the bird lover, it can be a great help to the species that visit your bird table and feeders. Remarkably, around 70 per cent of adults in Britain feed birds in their gardens. If the right food is offered, it can help birds survive when food is scarce, or the weather is bad, and it helps make them strong for the breeding season in spring. I once thought that birds only needed fed in winter, but I have learned that they can benefit from the right type of food at all times of year. Changes in our climate, the effects of intensive farming - which has removed many food sources and habitats - and the tidy nature of domestic gardens have all made it more difficult for wild birds to find the food that they need.What, and when, to feedIn autumn and winter, food and water should be put out on a regular basis, preferably in the morning and early afternoon, and twice a day if the weather is bad. Maspie Garden sells a range of food approved by the experts. Never allow uneaten food to build up around your feeders or bird table, and remember that once you establish a routine, the birds will expect you to maintain it! In spring and summer, you must be careful about what you offer. The RSPB recommends the following black sunflower seeds, pinhead oatmeal, sultanas, raisins, currants, mild grated cheese, mealworms, waxworms, mixes for insectivorous birds (from pet shops), good seed mixtures without loose peanuts, and RSPB food bars and summer seed mixture. You can also put out soft apples and pears cut in half, and bananas and grapes. Some people - not me - use soaked dog or cat food, but these can attract magpies, crows and other large species. You should avoid using peanuts, fat and bread in the summer because they can harm chicks in the nest.What birds will you see?I have fed birds in several gardens in Scotland, and have attracted the same species in different parts of the country. In almost any garden in Britain, you are likely to encounter starlings, blackbirds, song thrushes, blue, coal and great tits, robins, greenfinches, collared doves and chaffinches. The more urban, and enclosed the garden, the less likely you are to attract the more unusual species. In a previous garden, within ten good flaps of a woodland, I enjoyed regular visits from a great spotted woodpecker, who made the rest of the customers look rather ordinary. But you never know when you will be surprised. In our walled garden I have been lucky enough to see siskins and goldfinches, newly arrived from foreign parts, and I often spot fieldfares and redwings over the garden wall in the palace orchard. Above the garden in early summer, the swallows, swifts and house martins arrive from their winter breaks in North Africa to catch insects day and night, and the occasional treecreeper, another migrant, can occasionally be spotted on the rough trunk of our large holly tree. Wrens, which are insect-eating, do not visit the feeders, but their rough chat chat call can be heard almost every day in summer, especially when a cat strolls along the garden wall looking for warm food. I have also had dunnocks hopping around on the ground, looking like dusty sparrows, and chaffinches that are equally reluctant to get on to a bird table.How to feed birdsNut feedersOur range of Nuttery feeders are perfect for attracting tits and greenfinches. Feeders like these are the only safe way of offering nuts to wild birds. Mesh bags can trap birds feet and cause broken legs. The mesh in a metal feeder should be big enough to prevent beak damage, and small enough to prevent whole nuts being removed.Seed containers and home-made containersManufactured containers with perches for feeding sunflower mixes will attract perching species, and you can supplement the food on offer by filling half a coconut shell with fat or bird cake and hanging it upside down. You can also fill holes and cracks in posts, logs or trees with fatty foods or peanut butter to attract agile species like tits, nuthatches, woodpeckers, treecreepers and wrens.Bird tablesA simple tray mounted on a post, suspended from a branch, or fixed to a wall bracket, will suffice. A roof can keep off the rain, but will deter some shy species. The tray should have holes drilled in it to allow the water to drain away, a rim to stop food blowing off, and a gap in the trim to allow you to clean away uneaten food.Bird bathsYou should always provide water - in a small container on the bird table, or in the form of a birdbath - when you are providing food. Birds will drink from your bird table, and wash dusty feathers in the birdbath.Deterring unwelcome visitorsGrey squirrels can be discouraged by our squirrel-proof feeders, which also prevent large species taking all the food. You might also put a section of smooth plastic pipe around the post supporting your bird table, and if the table is supported by a metal post, you can smear it with Vaseline. Make sure that squirrels and cats cannot jump from another surface on to the table or feeders.Recommended books.The Bird Table Book by Tony Soper, 1. David & CharlesRSPB Pocket Birdfeeder by Robert Burton, 17. Dorling KindersleyRSPB Birdfeeder Handbook. Attracting and Observing Birds in your Garden by R Burton, 10. Dorling Kindersley.The Complete Garden Bird Book. How to Identify and Attract Birds to your Garden, by Mark Golley, Stephen Moss and David Daly, 17. New Holland.Birds in your Garden. An Introduction to their Way of Life by N Hammond and B Pearson, 15. HamlynFeeding birds in a garden creates a focal point where large numbers of songbirds congregate. This in turn can naturally attract predatory birds. The commonest predators are sparrowhawk and magpie. By careful and sensitive siting of the feeders the impacts can be reduced, but inevitably people will see more of the predation that goes on in the wild. Despite being upsetting for many, this is nevertheless a perfectly natural phenomenon and should be accepted as such. Feeding the birds does not increase the predation of songbirds by sparrowhawks - it only makes it more obvious to many by bringing both kinds of bird closer to view. The presence of a top predator such as the sparrowhawk indicates a healthy songbird population in the area. Siting the feeders close to cover will give the songbirds a better chance to escape, but make sure that this will not place then under greater danger from cats.Cats are numerous and in some cases unwelcome visitors to most gardens. Unlike birds of prey, most domestic cats do not need to hunt. Their habit of catching birds, particularly during the breeding season, is distressing to most people who see it. There are many deterrents on the market that can be used with varying degrees of success to create a cat-free zone in your garden. Click here for the RSPBs latest research results on cat deterrents.RSPB products to help you to help birdsThe use of suitable foods and dispensers is of paramount importance if feeding is to be done safely. With this in mind the RSPB has introduced its own range of wild bird foods and feeders, which set new standards for quality and suitability. The RSPB Birdcare range contains superior foods of known origin, which are selected to meet the RSPBs exacting standards. Similarly, our seed and peanut feeders are premium quality products designed to complement RSPB foods. RSPB Birdcare products are available from RSPB shops and RSPB mail order catalogue. They are also available from selected outlets and supermarkets. Ask for our information sheet or phone the Birdcare Line on 0174 7040.To find out moreWhat food to provideBird seed mixtureProprietary mixtures are already widely available for wild birds and are advertised in Birds, the RSPBs quarterly magazine for members. Different mixes have been formulated for feeders and for table/ground feeding. The better mixtures contain plenty of flaked maize, sunflower seeds, and broken peanuts. If the mix contains peanuts, please use it only in winter. Small seeds, such as millet, attract mostly house sparrows, dunnocks, finches, reed buntings and collared doves, while flaked maize is taken readily by blackbirds and dunnocks. Tits and green finches favour peanuts and sunflower seeds. Pinhead oatmeal is excellent for many birds. Wheat and barley grains are often included in seed mixtures but they are really only suitable for pigeons, doves and pheasants, which feed on the ground and rapidly increase their numbers frequently deterring the smaller species and upsetting neighbours. Avoid seed mixtures that have split peas, beans, dried rice or lentils as again only the large species can eat them dry. Any mixture containing green or pink lumps should also be avoided as that is dog biscuit, which can only be eaten when soaked.Black sunflower seedsThese first appeared in the bird food market in the early 180s and in many areas have now become even more popular for birds than peanuts.PeanutsThese are rich in fat and are popular with tits, greenfinches, house sparrows, nuthatches, great spotted woodpeckers and siskins, although black sunflower seeds are now a preferred food in many gardens. You can buy peanut kernels (whole, broken or sliced) for wild birds in bulk from dealers advertising in Birds. Peanut granules are also popular. Crushed or grated nuts attract robins, dunnocks and even wrens. Nuthatches and coal tits may hoard peanuts and black sunflower seeds. Salted peanuts should not be used. Peanuts can be high in a natural toxin, which can kill birds so buy from a reputable dealer who will guarantee freedom from aflatoxin. If a number of birds start dying or looking ill, please telephone the RSPB for advice immediately.Bird cakeMake by pouring melted fat (suet or lard) onto a mixture of ingredients such as seeds, nuts, dried fruit, oatmeal, cheese and cake. Use about one-third fat to two-thirds mixture. Stir well in a bowl and turn out onto the birdtable when solid. An empty coconut shell makes an ideal bird cake feeder.CoconutFresh coconut in the shell is very popular with tits. Rinse out any residues of the sweet coconut water from the middle of the coconut before hanging it out to prevent the build-up of mildew. Desiccated coconut is unsuitable as bird food.Mealworms and waxwormsMealworms are relished by robins and may attract insect-eating birds such as pied wagtails. Supplies can be obtained from advertised dealers in pet and wild bird food. You can also culture your own mealworms - ask for our information sheet (The cost of postage or a small donation would be most welcome.) Waxworms are a recent addition to wild bird food and are excellent but expensive. Proprietary foods are also available for insect-eating birds from bird food suppliers and pet shops. Ant pupae, insectivorous and softbill food, yolk of hard-boiled egg, and even crushed peanuts or black sunflower seeds can attract treecreepers and wrens.Household items suitable for birdsCrumbled brown and white bread is suitable, but moisten if very dry.Pastry, cooked or uncooked is excellent especially if it has been made with real fats.Cooked rice, brown or white, without added salt.Dry porridge oats or coarse oatmeal.Fat, including suet, is particularly welcomed by tits, great spotted woodpeckers, thrushes and wrens. However, do not put out polyunsaturated fats, since they do not give the birds the high levels of energy they require in winter.Bacon rind, chopped up finely for robins or suspended on string for tits, can be of benefit, but avoid salty bacon.Mild grated cheese is a favourite with robins, dunnocks, blackbirds and song thrushes. It will also help wrens if placed under hedgerows and other areas in your garden where you have noticed them feeding.Bones with some fat or meat attached are good, but keep small bones, especially those of poultry, out of reach of cats and dogs, and if possible, secure them with string to prevent birds flying away with them.Potatoes - baked (cold or opened up), roast and even mashed with added real fats are all suitable. Wildfowl will also enjoy them. Chips are rarely eaten.Dried fruits, such as raisins, sultanas and currents are particularly enjoyed by blackbirds, song thrushes and robins.Apples, pears and other fruit, including bruised and part rotten ones, cut up, are very popular with all thrushes, tits and starlings.AcknowledgementsThe RSPB warmly thanks the British Trust for Ornithology (particularly David Glue) for helpful advice.Health and hygiene - vital precautionsWhen a number of birds are attracted into an area to feed, the danger of disease increases. It is therefore essential that tables and any feeding area are checked and brushed or swept clean regularly to ensure there is no build up of food particles. Monitor your food supply carefully. If the food takes days to clear either from containers or the ground, reduce the amount of food offered. Occasionally scrub clean any containers and your bird table or any solid feeding area using 10% disinfectant solution. Water containers should be rinsed out daily during the warmer months and fresh water added. Unless the sides of the container become slimy or discoloured, there is not need to use a bleach or disinfectant. Should the need arise, please rinse out several times after treatment to ensure all of the chemical has been removed.Collared doves are susceptible to Trichomoniasis (canker), a parasite of the upper respiratory tract. If they start dying, do not put out any food, except in tit feeders, for at least a month, since the disease is spread via food particles picked up by a sick bird which, unable to swallow, will spit it out complete with the infection. If you need a confirmation of the disease, your local vet may be able to carry out a post mortem. Most are helpful over such matters but we cannot guarantee that you will not be charged. Always take extra hygienic precautions when handling suspected sick birds.Salmonella is present at a low level in wild bird populations, and poor hygiene at feeding stations can fuel a local outbreak. Greenfinches and house sparrows are most susceptible to this infection, which is transmitted by droppings from an infected bird.To reduce the risk of diseases among birds, move the feeding site several times during the year and take the precautions already mentioned to try to keep litter and droppings in the feeding area to a minimum.Drinking waterBirds need a source of water for drinking and bathing all year round. In hard frosts or warm weather it is vital. You can buy birdbaths from the RSPB and at garden centres. The inside of the bath should be rough - many plastic ones are too slippery. You can make a simple, shallow birdbath by sinking a zinc or rubber dustbin into the ground. Place a few stones in the bath to provide perches. Keep the bath clean and change the water frequently to prevent fouling. One useful tip for cold winter weather is to line the birdbath with a sheet of sturdy polythene so the ice can be removed easily. Provided that the birdbath is not a concrete one, it is wise to tip the water out at the end of the day and replace it in the morning to avoid the worst of the ice. Alternatively, stand the bath on a square or triangle of bricks within which you can place a slow-burning nightlight. Never put salt or anti-freeze in the water.Caution It is very important to change water daily and remove uneaten food regularly in warm weather.

Please note that this sample paper on birds is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on birds, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on birds will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2021


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Nestle-Contadina. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Nestle-Contadina paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Nestle-Contadina, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Nestle-Contadina paper at affordable prices !

Analysis of external environmentPizza consumption is strongest in the northern and eastern parts of the U.S. The target market areas will include large cities such as New York and Baltimore. Analysis of the competitionNestle's Contadina Pizza will be competing for a share of the $18.4 billion pizza market. The pizza market can be categorized into restaurant (takeout/delivery) pizza, frozen pizza, and refrigerated pizza. With about 60% of pizza being eaten at home.

Pizza is already well-established in restaurants such as Domino's and Pizza Hut. About 88% of all pizza iss sold by restaurants(takeout/delivery). There are approximately 10,000 franchised pizza restaurants and 5,000 pizza outlets. In addition, 76% of all U.S. families have eaten at a pizza restaurant within the last six months. The average selling price is ~$8-10 for a 1" pizza. Contadina Pizza's refrigerated product will not be directly competing with these restaurants, however, there is potential for more market share if Contadina Pizza can win some of the restaurant customers.Frozen pizza accounts for about 16% of the last 10 consumption incidences of at-home consumption. Key players here are Kraft's Tombstone and Jack's Frozen Pizza. The average price for a frozen pizza is ~$- for a 6"-8" pizza.The refrigerated pizza market is still open, however, Nestle is expecting Kraft to market a pizza product within the next 6 months. Contadina Pizza will have to market its product soon if it wants to take advantage of being the first key player in the refrigerated pizza market.Takeout/delivery(restaurants) provides quality pizza, and frozen pizzas are offered at a low price. Contadina Pizza would market its pizza as quality pizza at a reasonable price.PIE CHART HERE/TABLELast 10 incidences of pizza at-home consumption75% delivered/takeout pizza16% frozen pizza from supermarkets5% fresh pizza from grocery store4% homemade pizzaAnalysis of the Company Nestle produces a broad range of products within the following food categories beverages, prepared dishes, milk products, confectionery, and pharmaceuticals. Nestle is known as one of the world leaders in manufacturing and distributing food products. They already have business relationships with most food retailers, and their strong brand name guarantees that their products will obtain a good shelf stand. New products bearing the Nestle name are more likely to be accepted by supermarkets and other retailers even without proven success. Nestle possesses extensive resources at its disposal. The main advantage of this is that Nestle will be able to take advantage of economies of scale for their product, allowing them to produce the pizzas at a cheaper price. In addition, Nestle has the resources to buy an already established regional company, such as they did when they purchased Lambert Pasta and Cheeses, in case that they found an advantage to their competitor's product. Nestle has the financial resources to conduct extensive market research before launching the new product and thus are able to determine the best marketing mix that must be used. Economies of scale also affect marketing since for a large company to spend extra on marketing increase awareness of their product at a lower cost than at other companies. Nestle already has experience in the distribution of food products. The company already possesses a proven system of distribution to its retailers. From its experience with the refrigerated pasta as well as with its milk products, Nestle already understands how to manage the production and distribution of products that have a short shelf life. Therefore, it is able to rollout the refrigerated pizza products to retailers in less than the required 10 days so that they may have a 0 day shelf life. Even the sales people at Nestle already have experience raising interest for refrigerated products and understand how they must be marketed for best success thanks to Nestle's refrigerated pasta line. Nestle's size may also become a liability to their operations. A smaller local company would be able to place its factory near the local retail stores, therefore decreasing the burden of delivering the refrigerated pizza giving it a 0-day shelf life. Also, products of local companies are often adopted by the people of their community. A large-scale example of this would be the 'MADE IN THE USA' tags often found in products. Companies cash in on this nationalistic feeling by making customers feel attached to a certain product and creating a feeling of camaraderie when purchasing products that they view as having a common background. Being a large international corporation, Nestle is likely to be viewed as an outsider in some communities leaving an opening in the market for local companies to cash in using the local-support approach. Analysis of the Consumer Nestle is targeting their refrigerated pizza products at the quality conscious customers who are interested in obtaining fresh food products. The price of the Pizza Kit of $6. plus $1. per topping clearly shows that Nestle is targeting customers who are willing to pay more for a fresher product. By placing the refrigerated pizzas next to the deli and dairy products in the supermarket stands, they hope to obtain the image of better quality and of delivering a fresher product. This is also the purpose of the freshness date tag on each product. As seen on Figure 1, a segment of the pizza market was been overlooked sellers. The segment of the market that wanted low cost was covered by frozen pizza market, while the delivery and restaurant business covered people who wanted the best quality no matter the cost. Nestle is targeting the refrigerated pizza for people who don't have the time or the money to go out and eat at restaurants but yet don't feel satisfied by the frozen pizza products currently available in the market. Through their marketing research it may be assumed that Nestle is targeting females over the age of 18 who took care of grocery shopping at their home. Although the research was conducted in the Northeast region of the United States were research has shown there exists more interest for this type of product, Nestle is interested in rolling out this product in all the US. The main customer group that Nestle is targeting is those people who are already Contadina pasta users. The reason is that this segment has already shown interest in refrigerated products and is also already aware of the brand. A main weakness to the customer Nestle is targeting that since the refrigerated pizza is a new product the marketing group at Nestle can't be exactly sure whom it is trying to sell the product to and what they are looking for in such as product. They are assuming that people who use previous Contadina products will be interested in this pizza product.

Please note that this sample paper on Nestle-Contadina is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Nestle-Contadina, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Nestle-Contadina will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, July 23, 2021

Theory of knowlege-language

If you order your cheap research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on theory of knowlege-language. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality theory of knowlege-language paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in theory of knowlege-language, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your theory of knowlege-language paper at affordable prices!

Theory of Knowledge----Language Two QuotesIt could be argued that human beings are a species of animal. However, the unique characteristic, which makes mankind different from all other species, is our ability to use sophisticated language. Language is considered multi-sensory, consisting of not only the verbal and writing, but also touch, smell, sound, body, and gestural elements (Class notes). As human beings are social animals, people have the instinct to communicate with others, to share our feelings and thoughts, and as a result, language development in each individual becomes an instinct (Pinker, 14). Since language is the tool used for communication, Wittgenstein says, ¡¸The limits of my language are the limits of my world¡¹. He implies that people speak just one language and thus live in only one world, and if you are not capable of using the language, your world is narrowed. However, Einstein has an opposite opinion, he devalues the importance of language and says, ¡¸The words of a language as they are written and spoken do not seem to play any role in the mechanism of my thought.¡¹ His statement indicates that a scientist¡¯s mind might work in numbers or equations, other than the language which most people use. Personally, I lean more towards Wittgenstein¡¯s statement. I believe that language is the bridge connecting individuals and the outside world; thus, it is a crucial element of human life.In Einstein¡¯s quote, he says that the language of speech and writing doesn¡¯t influence his thought, because the mechanism of his thought is extraordinary. As a widely recognized great scientist, his point might be that people should think something beyond what is already written, and also, ¡¸the sum of human wisdom is not contained in any one language, and no single language is CAPABLE of expressing all forms and degrees of human comprehension.¡¹ (Ezra Pound, The ABC of Reading) Einstein successfully came up with a totally new formula and theory of relativism, under the way of thinking that does not involve people¡¯s language, as he claims. Nevertheless, Einstein¡¯s statement has something to do with the definition of ¡¸language¡¹ itself. Maybe he thinks in terms of numbers and equations, but still, he uses ¡¸symbols¡¹, and all language is symbolic. A good example that illustrates it is the Chinese language. Chinese characters could be seen as individual pictures or symbols with meaning. Moreover, religions, such as Christianity, also use the cross as a symbol and it has its significance. If language is the bridge between individuals and society, or the means of communication, then, Einstein might not be able to tell anyone about his great formula and theory if what he says is true. ¡¸Language is the dress of thought¡¹ (Samuel Johnson, class handouts), and people need language to convert thoughts into a form that¡¯s understandable by others. Einstein¡¯s world would be limited if he didn¡¯t write his formula down in the form of language; this reflects Wittgenstein¡¯s statement¡ª¡¸The limits of my language are the limits of my world¡¹. I believe in Wittgenstein¡¯s statement more because of my personal experience. I realized how important language was when I first came to study in an English speaking International school. I knew absolutely nothing about English, thus I had no idea what my teachers were talking about in the class. Sometimes when the teacher asked me only to do the odd questions in our textbook, I did them all. I could not understand a single word in my textbook and I had a great difficulty making friends and having conversations with them because I could not understand the language. It really limited my world. Another example is the movie we saw about Helen. She is a girl who lost her abilities of sight, hearing, and speaking, and was treated by the others as a person of lower intelligence. But in fact, she is intelligent. The bridge of communication was broken and Helen was trapped. These two examples evoke the relationship between language and the world of an individual; they support Wittgenstein¡¯s statement.However, one might think that without language, you can still live a happy life and have a wonderful world. For example, you can live in a mountain, alone, in the beautiful nature, thus you can ignore the cruel news and the negative sides of the society. You will be happy as you are in touch with your soul and your true feelings; it is spiritual and you don¡¯t need to use people¡¯s language. Yet, it is not always the case. Study shows that if you isolate a person, he or she will start to talk to animals around, to objects, or even to themselves, as said in Pinker¡¯s essay. They do it because they are not satisfied to be alone. It shows that a world without communication, without language, is too narrow. It goes against the human nature; people still need to communicate and thus language must be used. Therefore, Wittgenstein¡¯s point that language is important is proven.However, his statement is not totally true as it implies that people speak just one language and thus live in only one world. Language is closely related to culture (Class notes), you can only get to understand a person very well if you can speak his language. It implies that different languages, such as Chinese, English, or even net language, would create different worlds. Due to the development of technology, our world today is a world of information with a fast speed of globalization. Thus, understanding each other through language becomes an even more important issue. With language as your tool, you are capable of exploring other worlds. Wittgenstein¡¯s statement failed to include the fact that there are worlds formed based on different languages.After discussing these two quotes by Einstein and Wittgenstein, we can see how important language is in both the purpose of communication and widening the world of an individual; it is a way of knowing. Wittgenstein thinks that if an individual is not capable of using a language, his world is limited, while Einstein believes that the language used by most people is not always significant in mechanism of everybody¡¯s thoughts, because somebody¡¯s mind might work differently. However, as we are living in a world of advanced technology, language can be transferred easily through media, such as T.V, Internet, radio, and newspaper. Our world is widening in a great scale, and we should be aware of the power of language. We should keep a clear mind, not to be persuaded by wicked words, which tell us to commit sins. A real example of language¡¯s negative power is Bin Laden¡¯s use of persuasive words, which leads to a terrorist attack on September 11th 001 and the death of thousands of people.

Please note that this sample paper on theory of knowlege-language is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on theory of knowlege-language, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on theory of knowlege-language will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, July 19, 2021

The Old Man and the Sea

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Old Man and the Sea. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Old Man and the Sea paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Old Man and the Sea, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Old Man and the Sea paper at affordable prices with essay writing service!

In the novel, The Old Man and the Sea, written by Ernest Hemingway the main themes revolve around the idea of overcoming ongoing struggle, continuing to hold on to ones pride and honor, and the rewards of hard work and dedication. All of these ideas are conveyed through the story of an unfortunate old man, his young companion, and the largest marlin they have ever seen. These ideas lead to success in different ways, particularly for the old man. In the opening of the novel the main character, Santiago, is introduced. He is essentially presented as an old man who has experienced a great amount of defeat and struggle in his career as a fisherman. He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. (Hemingway, 1) Going eighty-four days without catching a single fish is a struggle within itself, not to mention becoming the victim of much laughter and humiliation in his small fishing village. Even though Santiago hasn't caught a fish in such a long period of time he refuses to give up, including when his only companion, Manolin is not permitted to join him on the boat.

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But after forty days without a fish the boy's parents had told him that the old man was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat which caught three good fish the first week. (Hemingway, 1) Although he is fishing solo and has a sense of bad luck, Santiago departs from his village determind to overcome his strife of not being able to catch a single fish. Eventually Santiago hooks a marlin that is bigger than any other fish he has caught. To hook this fish he has sailed out further than any fisherman from his small village, showing his true persistence. Santiago endures a huge amount of physical struggle as he attempts to kill this fish. For three long days he holds tight to the line upon which the marlin has been hooked. Throughout these days Santiago's hands are ripped to shreds, his back is ruined and a crippling cramp in his left hand has been a real obstacle to overcome. The reader is led to believe that Santiago has overcome all of his struggles when he finally gets the marlin close enough to the boat to kill it with a large harpoon. The old man dropped the line and put his foot on it and lifted the harpoon as high as he could and drove it down with all his strength, and more strength he had just summoned, into the fish's side just behind the great chest fin that rose high in the air to the altitude of the man's chest. He felt the iron go in and he leaned on it and drove it further and then pushed all his weight after it. (Hemingway, 4) However, Hemingway does not end the story happily ever after immediately following the killing of the largest fish Santiago has ever laid eyes on. Due to the large amount of blood that was coming from the marlin, sharks soon became attracted to the old man's fishing boat. The first shark appeared in about an hour and just after sinking his teeth into the old man's prized fish, Santiago is able to successfully kill him with the large harpoon. The old man's poor luck is exhibited again and again, as more sharks chase the boat and eat away at the colossal marlin, more importantly Santiago's last chance of regaining his status as an accomplished fisherman. It is interesting to compare Santiago's relationship with the marlin and Santiago's relationship with the sharks. These are two completely opposite relationships. His relationship with the marlin is one of sincere respect and admiration. This is especially evident when he refers to the fish as a brotherI do not understand these things, he thought. But it is good that we do not have to try to kill the sun or the moon or the stars. It is enough to live on the sea and kill our true brothers. (Hemingway, 75) Santiago's relationship with the sharks, on the other hand is quite a different story. When the sharks attack the boat he not only gets angry with them, he is angry with himself because he feels an overwhelming sense of defeat. Now they have beaten me, he thought. I am too old to club sharks to death. But I will try it as long as I have the oars and the short club and the tiller. (Hemingway, 11)Although many would say Santiago failed because when he arrived on shore he was without a meaty, fulfilling fish it is evident that Santiago overcame many physical and personal struggles on his eight-seven day excursion at sea. Throughout the novel, it is Santiago's pride that truly defines his personality. The fact that he sailed out further than any of the other fisherman, to where it is guaranteed that he find the biggest fish, shows the intensity of his genuine pride for his pursuit as a successful fisherman. It is his pride that forces him to keep holding on to the fishing line for three nights as the pain penetrates through his entire body. It is his pride that enables him to simply hold on to his life and keep breathing until he has returned home safely at the conclusion of the novel. Santiago is the perfect literary example of a man who has used his pride to motivate him toward greatness and self satisfaction, but also let his pride get the best of him. He admits that his pride is what led him to taking his boat out so far and putting himself in a dangerous situation. It is easy when you are beaten, he thought. I never knew how easy it was. And what beat you, he thought. 'Nothing,' he said aloud. 'I went out too far. (Hemingway, 10)In a way Santiago's pride contributed to the eventual loss of his fish, but in a larger sense it was his pride that allowed him catch the fish in the first place and hold on to it during the struggle of catching it. Santiago's pride was definitely the driving force that he had to kill this fish and it is admirable at the end when he analyzes his pride and thinks about his motivation for killing it.You did not kill the fish only to keep alive and to sell for food, he thought. You killed him for pride and because you are a fisherman. You loved him when he was alive and you loved him after. If you love him, it is not a sin to kill him. Or is it more? (Hemingway,) Although at the end of the novel Santiago did not get to arrive onshore with the largest marlin ever known to man, he did experience many rewards of hard work and dedication. His dedication was especially evident as he statedFight them, he said. I'll fight them until I die. (Hemingway, 115)Due to the fact that Santiago finds the marlin such a deserving opponent, he puts his life at risk for it. Because Santiago truly loves and respects the fish, his dedication and hardwork lead to the killing of the fish and his personal success.Through the novel it is apparent that many types of success can be attained. The obvious type of success that could have come out of this novel is if Santiago simply hooked the marlin, returned it to shore in one piece and instantly won back the respect of his small fishing village. Although not all people have experienced this type of success, most can still identify with it. It is somewhat materialistic and is very tangible. Hemingway, however, allows Santiago to experience a more indefinite version of success when he has the marlin get eaten by the sharks before returning home. Santiago is forced to look at the struggles he overcame, the pride he possessed and the hard work and dedication it took him to hook the fish in the first place. Santiago must look and realize that even though he does not have physically have the marlin, he has absolutely succeeded in more ways than one, ways that are still quite rewarding. In Hemingway's, The Old Man and the Sea many life lessons can be learned through Santiago, the marlin, the young boy and the sharks. Santiago is a prime example of a man who has been rewarded in different ways through his hard work, dedication and determination to overcome struggle. The pride that he possessed was a great example of something that was beneficial to his time at sea and hurtful.In the novel, The Old Man and the Sea, written by Ernest Hemingway the main themes revolve around the idea of overcoming ongoing struggle, continuing to hold on to ones pride and honor, and the rewards of hard work and dedication. All of these ideas are conveyed through the story of an unfortunate old man, his young companion, and the largest marlin they have ever seen. These ideas lead to success in different ways, particularly for the old man. In the opening of the novel the main character, Santiago, is introduced. He is essentially presented as an old man who has experienced a great amount of defeat and struggle in his career as a fisherman. He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. (Hemingway, 1) Going eighty-four days without catching a single fish is a struggle within itself, not to mention becoming the victim of much laughter and humiliation in his small fishing village. Even though Santiago hasn't caught a fish in such a long period of time he refuses to give up, including when his only companion, Manolin is not permitted to join him on the boat. But after forty days without a fish the boy's parents had told him that the old man was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat which caught three good fish the first week. (Hemingway, 1) Although he is fishing solo and has a sense of bad luck, Santiago departs from his village determind to overcome his strife of not being able to catch a single fish. Eventually Santiago hooks a marlin that is bigger than any other fish he has caught. To hook this fish he has sailed out further than any fisherman from his small village, showing his true persistence. Santiago endures a huge amount of physical struggle as he attempts to kill this fish. For three long days he holds tight to the line upon which the marlin has been hooked. Throughout these days Santiago's hands are ripped to shreds, his back is ruined and a crippling cramp in his left hand has been a real obstacle to overcome. The reader is led to believe that Santiago has overcome all of his struggles when he finally gets the marlin close enough to the boat to kill it with a large harpoon. The old man dropped the line and put his foot on it and lifted the harpoon as high as he could and drove it down with all his strength, and more strength he had just summoned, into the fish's side just behind the great chest fin that rose high in the air to the altitude of the man's chest. He felt the iron go in and he leaned on it and drove it further and then pushed all his weight after it. (Hemingway, 4) However, Hemingway does not end the story happily ever after immediately following the killing of the largest fish Santiago has ever laid eyes on. Due to the large amount of blood that was coming from the marlin, sharks soon became attracted to the old man's fishing boat. The first shark appeared in about an hour and just after sinking his teeth into the old man's prized fish, Santiago is able to successfully kill him with the large harpoon. The old man's poor luck is exhibited again and again, as more sharks chase the boat and eat away at the colossal marlin, more importantly Santiago's last chance of regaining his status as an accomplished fisherman. It is interesting to compare Santiago's relationship with the marlin and Santiago's relationship with the sharks. These are two completely opposite relationships. His relationship with the marlin is one of sincere respect and admiration. This is especially evident when he refers to the fish as a brotherI do not understand these things, he thought. But it is good that we do not have to try to kill the sun or the moon or the stars. It is enough to live on the sea and kill our true brothers. (Hemingway, 75) Santiago's relationship with the sharks, on the other hand is quite a different story. When the sharks attack the boat he not only gets angry with them, he is angry with himself because he feels an overwhelming sense of defeat. Now they have beaten me, he thought. I am too old to club sharks to death. But I will try it as long as I have the oars and the short club and the tiller. (Hemingway, 11)Although many would say Santiago failed because when he arrived on shore he was without a meaty, fulfilling fish it is evident that Santiago overcame many physical and personal struggles on his eight-seven day excursion at sea. Throughout the novel, it is Santiago's pride that truly defines his personality. The fact that he sailed out further than any of the other fisherman, to where it is guaranteed that he find the biggest fish, shows the intensity of his genuine pride for his pursuit as a successful fisherman. It is his pride that forces him to keep holding on to the fishing line for three nights as the pain penetrates through his entire body. It is his pride that enables him to simply hold on to his life and keep breathing until he has returned home safely at the conclusion of the novel. Santiago is the perfect literary example of a man who has used his pride to motivate him toward greatness and self satisfaction, but also let his pride get the best of him. He admits that his pride is what led him to taking his boat out so far and putting himself in a dangerous situation. It is easy when you are beaten, he thought. I never knew how easy it was. And what beat you, he thought. 'Nothing,' he said aloud. 'I went out too far. (Hemingway, 10)In a way Santiago's pride contributed to the eventual loss of his fish, but in a larger sense it was his pride that allowed him catch the fish in the first place and hold on to it during the struggle of catching it. Santiago's pride was definitely the driving force that he had to kill this fish and it is admirable at the end when he analyzes his pride and thinks about his motivation for killing it.You did not kill the fish only to keep alive and to sell for food, he thought. You killed him for pride and because you are a fisherman. You loved him when he was alive and you loved him after. If you love him, it is not a sin to kill him. Or is it more? (Hemingway,) Although at the end of the novel Santiago did not get to arrive onshore with the largest marlin ever known to man, he did experience many rewards of hard work and dedication. His dedication was especially evident as he statedFight them, he said. I'll fight them until I die. (Hemingway, 115)Due to the fact that Santiago finds the marlin such a deserving opponent, he puts his life at risk for it. Because Santiago truly loves and respects the fish, his dedication and hardwork lead to the killing of the fish and his personal success.Through the novel it is apparent that many types of success can be attained. The obvious type of success that could have come out of this novel is if Santiago simply hooked the marlin, returned it to shore in one piece and instantly won back the respect of his small fishing village. Although not all people have experienced this type of success, most can still identify with it. It is somewhat materialistic and is very tangible. Hemingway, however, allows Santiago to experience a more indefinite version of success when he has the marlin get eaten by the sharks before returning home. Santiago is forced to look at the struggles he overcame, the pride he possessed and the hard work and dedication it took him to hook the fish in the first place. Santiago must look and realize that even though he does not have physically have the marlin, he has absolutely succeeded in more ways than one, ways that are still quite rewarding. In Hemingway's, The Old Man and the Sea many life lessons can be learned through Santiago, the marlin, the young boy and the sharks. Santiago is a prime example of a man who has been rewarded in different ways through his hard work, dedication and determination to overcome struggle. The pride that he possessed was a great example of something that was beneficial to his time at sea and hurtful.

Please note that this sample paper on The Old Man and the Sea is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Old Man and the Sea, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on The Old Man and the Sea will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, July 9, 2021

Civilian Morale on the homefront

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Civilian Morale on the homefront. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Civilian Morale on the homefront paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Civilian Morale on the homefront, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Civilian Morale on the homefront paper at affordable prices with essay writing service!

What factors influenced civilian morale on the home fronts?During World War Two, the moral of all countries involved remained intact. There were numerous factors that influenced the morale of civilians on the various home fronts. The intensity and importance of each nation's struggle with morale was strongly influenced by the regime they were subject to. The subsequent policies and actions of the governments had significant impacts on their nation's morale. Propaganda, threats and terror all contributed to the disillusionment of civilians or succeeded in fostering their drive and dedication to their nation's war effort. Bombing of civilian's was intended to cause chaos and loss of will on the home front. However, by doing this, they brought war to a nation's doorstep, and the civilian population rallied together in their time of suffering. The bombing was a major contributor in fostering their determination to win the war. For those countries more directly involved in the conflict, there was immense suffering through hefty restrictions and limited supplies. The imposition of restrictions through rationing and government control failed to lower morale in Britain, the United States and initially in Germany. The home fronts were a hive of activity during the war as there was mass mobilisation of industry and work for the war effort. This influenced moral as the population and importantly women were effectively contributing to the war effort. In this way, everyone had the opportunity to be involved in their nation's fight.Civilian morale was strongly influenced by the regime or democracy the people were subject to. In particular, leaders during the Second World War had a strong impact on influencing civilian morale. After Germany's success in Blitzkrieg, Britain was the only remaining democracy left in Europe, therefore the only free country in Europe. Leaders during the war had to be inspiring, be justifiable in their actions, encouraging in the war effort and arouse nationalism in their nation's fight for victory. British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill inspired a nation to mobilise for total war and break class barriers as the nation united in its fight for justice against the Germans. Churchill was a great communicator and speaker who aroused the population to be enthusiastic and united in their countries war effort.

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As with many cases in Germany, it is hard to examine just how high or low morale was, simply because under the dictatorship of Hitler, discontent did not have a voice. Initially, Hitler enjoyed huge support from the civilian population. Hitler's system of mass propaganda and early conquests throughout Europe ensured that morale was high. However, weaknesses in Hitler's leadership evolved and news to the cruel side of Hitler spread to the German population. German's then began question their faith in their 'great' leader and his ideology. Subsequently, German's began questioning themselves and the country they were supporting. In Europe, not all totalitarian regimes functioned in the same manner the. While Hitler initially had the luxury of being more careful and conscious of pampering his people, Stalin did not have that kind of leeway. The Russians were under the totalitarian dictatorship of Stalin, who became the symbol of popular feelings during the war . In the struggle for survival the Russians worked as unified people, largely because they were forced to under Stalin's regime. Stalin's broadcast to the Soviet people on July 141 'raised the morale of a whole country' as the dictator addressed the civilians as his 'brothers and sisters' and his 'comrades and citizens' . The Russians were very patriotic and had passion in their own soil and pride to defend it at all costs.Meanwhile, even in a democracy, there was civilian suffering inflicted through the implementation of government policies that affected morale. The civilians who suffered the most in America throughout the war were the 17 000 Japanese Americans who were forced to live in concentration camps. The ever popular US President, Franklin Roosevelt led the American people into war against Germany and Japan. Roosevelt's presence, speeches and reasoning during the war ensured he had the support of the American people. He had an aura about him that made the American people feel they were a part of a noble and essential cause during the war effort. Propaganda and the system of terror was a major factor that influenced civilian morale. Headed by the fanatical Joseph Goebbels, propaganda in Germany found a way into every part of the civilian's lives through radio, newspapers and countless mass Nazi demonstrations involving public appearances of Hitler. Morale was maintained through this propaganda because it showcased Nazi supremacy, Nazi films and music. It allowed the people to feel normal by being able to watch films, etc, even if it was all tightly Nazi controlled. Terror was a prominent part of the Nazi regime as they forced silence on all opposition with the use of the Gestapo and SS. Morale in Germany was weak when one sees that people lived in fear of voicing any opinion or protest. The Soviet people suffered under Stalin's harsh dictatorship, however, during war, the Soviet people accepted their position in life and adjusted to it. Stalin enforced Total war and all work and resources were poured into the war effort through exhaustive working conditions and fear of punishment. Patriotism, political conviction, kinship, determination to liberate their native region, hatred for the enemy, desire for revenge and to survive united the Russians and kept morale high .Bombing of cities was intended to break morale, however, at no stage during the war was civilian morale destroyed by bombing campaigns. The Battle of Britain which involved German bombing of Britain, and in particular London, was intended to break the British people's morale and establish the base for a German invasion. Class barriers were reduced and people were united by the destruction and suffering that the bombing inflicted . The Blitz and subsequent evacuations were a severe test of morale, however the mixing of classes ultimately brought the Brits closer together and effectively morale was strengthened by the bombing, not broken. The Battle of Britain was to affect Brits at the highest level. During the course of the bombing, over 1.4 million people were left homeless. Meanwhile it failed to stop the functioning of daily routine and work in production factories. Regulatory meant familiarity and this routine would continue to operate before and after every raid. The bombing was so intense that there was rarely a twenty-four hour period in which there was no air raid in Britain . Bombing of cities strengthened people's determination, established a sense of togetherness and through being directly involved in the conflict, aroused a stronger nationalism and justification in their war effort.The British bombing of Germany was a constant reminder to the German's that Britain was still very much in the war, and that the US were growing closer to forming an alliance against Germany. Bombing raids were directed at the civilian population in Germany from Britain, the USSR and later the US. The British 'area bombing' of German cities was intended to destroy German morale and create widespread destruction and devastation. This was achieved in 14 during three days of raids on Hamburg that killed over 40 000 civilians, largely through fires from the bombs. There were .6 million homes destroyed, 7.5 million were made homeless, over 00 000 people killed during the course of allied bombing of the German home front.Restrictions and rationing during the war strongly influenced the home fronts morale. Naturally, during periods of war, simple luxuries were limited and in many cases eliminated from daily life as nation's focused their spending and effort into war production. World War Two in Britain has become famously known as "the People's War". Initially, there was the fear that during the course of the war, Brits would be deeply deprived of food and essential items, especially the poor. However, the Government introduced rationing in 140 which was fair as it ensured everyone received the same amount of food. Morale boosters were often made available in the form of luxury items while entertainment, shows, films, etc were still available to provide a sense of normality and maintain morale. The Government continued to ensure all was fair in Britain as it controlled rationing, wages, prices, etc. In fact, the general standard of health improved in Britain. There were, of course, fluctuations in morale. Hardships and absence of what were previously considered essentials were a part of everyday life. Shortages on pre-war essentials are exemplified by the fact that each person was rationed to only one new shirt every twenty months. Socially, divorce and crime rates rose, illegitimacy rose ten fold and there was still the presence of strikes and class resentment. The conscription of civilians to work on the railways, in mines and other areas of essential employment also caused anger and frustration.Rationing was introduced in the US in 14, including sufficient food for the population. It was frustrating for Americans in the sense that they had sufficient money and money to purchase items, however consumer items were not so readily available. Americans were encouraged to conserve all items, including dripping (fat), sheet metal, any materials, etc. In many cases, people would speak of a sense of 'togetherness' and work as a unified nation for a great cause.Hitler hoped to establish and maintain high morale in Germany through maintaining pre war living standards throughout the country. Rationing was minimised, as was mobilisation and conscription of workers into the war effort. A sense of normality was achieved throughout Germany for a period of time as morale remained high throughout a series of German conquests in Europe. However, the Nazi's ability to maintain normality on the home front lasted only a short time as domestic shortages became the norm. In the latter years of the war, the food situation was so bad that people would be found scrounging around forests looking for food. The German invasion of the Soviet Union in 141 began to put pressure on the home front as stepped-up production of armaments increased, the desire for a short war had faded into a dream . The Russians suffered severely, living in a country that was one third under Soviet control. Food was in short supply, with poor rationing that favoured the already deprived military while the rest of Russian civilians were even greater deprived. German invaders took most food supplies. The harsh Russian winters resulted in civilians falling prey to sickness and disease, the state subsequently provided over 50 million inoculations against fevers. Hunger, cold, malnutrition and disease were as great as the German threat to the survival of the USSR . Information detailing casualty numbers on the battle front had a significant influence on the civilian morale on the home front. Death on the battle front conveyed to civilians the devastation and destruction of human life during war. Meanwhile, victories on the battlefield were a turning point in strengthening the nation's morale; as people were optimistic and that battles won would result in a war won. The arrival of casualties and with them the stories of the horrors of the war brought to civilians the reality of the suffering of war and cemented the losses and destruction involved. The worsening of the situation on the German home front in the later years of the war exemplifies the degree to which morale is affected by the thrust of defeat and war stories. As the war continued, those left on the home front were faced with the death of family members fighting on the two fronts. Death in families was an all too common occurrence on all home fronts. The Nazi's tried to keep the civilians oblivious to the sufferings and poor treatment on the battlefront, particularly in and around Stalingrad. However, silence and lack of communication resulted in increased misconstrued information reaching the population.The major powers including Germany, Great Britain, the USSR and the US mobilised for Total war. This involved the mobilisation and conscription of not only soldiers, but of workers on the home front. Britain set new standards in the mass mobilisation of women into the workforce in roles that were previously not available to women. Women were involved in not only volunteer work, but work that was normally male dominated including tram driving, factory work with over ninety percent of munitions workers being women and 80 000 women in the Women's Land Army. It was compulsory for all women between the ages of eighteen and sixty to register for work which was largely factory work at the many munitions factories. In 141, women were even enlisted in the armed forces, the Women's Auxiliary Forces including 7 500 women in the Women's Royal Naval Service and 18 000 women in the Women's Auxiliary Air Force. Morale amongst British society increased as women were given the opportunity to effectively participate in the war effort.Hitler's desire to maintain consumer consumption and normality in civilian's lives resulted in very few women becoming mobilised. In 14, Germany was declared a state of Total War, therefore the people were pressed into war work, particularly women who had previously been directed away from any harsh or different work. Therefore morale during the initial mobilisation of Germany was significantly high. However, sudden changes during the latter years of war saw disruption and disorder. Civilians in America were affected dramatically differently from the Europeans as they were distant from the conflict. While the European countries hit economic bottom, the US economy thrived during the war as the civilian economy expanded. Fifteen million people entered the armed forces and ten million extra were added to the labour force as unemployment was a scarcity. The workforce generally received higher wages. Although on a smaller scale to some of the European countries, women did enter the workforce in America on the largest scale the country had ever seen during the war years. The proportion of women in the workforce rose from 5 per cent to 6 per cent during the war . Black Americans continued to be discriminated against in the workforce and military, however, small advances were made in their position in society and the workforce. Therefore through advancements and the lifting of some restrictions, high levels of civilian morale were evident in most areas of American society. From beginning to end, war in the USSR was Total war where the line of separation between soldiers and civilians virtually disappeared. The Soviets were conscripted into factory and munitions work, while all able-bodied men were conscripted into the armed forces. The German invasion of Russia left the country in a desperate situation. The German's inflicted harsh treatment toward the Soviets including Russian Jews being sent to extermination camps, used as slave labor, while captured soldiers were sent to prisoner of war camps to starvation and ill-treatment. Russians endured harsh conditions that involved mass suffering yet morale was always in tact to a significant degree.Therefore it is clear that there were a range of factors that contributed to civilian morale during the Second World War. Policies and inspiration by each nations government was influential in contributing to the civilian population's morale. The destruction inflicted by area bombing of cities failed to achieve its goal of destroying morale. Restrictions and rationing affected civilian's attitude to the war both negatively and positively. Mobilisation of civilians into war work fostered a sense of nationalism and therefore had an effect on morale. Clearly the above factors all influenced morale in the US, USSR, Britain and Germany. The extent as to which each of these factors affected civilian morale was dependant upon each countries circumstances. BibliographyBarber, J. and Harrison, M., The Soviet Home Front 141-45 (London, 11)Beck, E.R., The European Home Fronts 1-145 (Arlington Heights, 1)Drosdov, G., Russia at war, 141-145 (London, 187)Kitchen, M., Nazi Germany at War (London, 15)Noakes, J., The Civilian in War (Exeter, 1)Winkles, A.M., Home Front USA America During World War II (Arlington Heights, 186)

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Romeo and Juliet Essay

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Romeo and Juliet Essay. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Romeo and Juliet Essay paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Romeo and Juliet Essay, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Romeo and Juliet Essay paper at affordable prices with essay writing service!

Many aspects of life involve an immense amount of planning. Unfortunately, people constantly construct plans that lack adequate contemplation of the risks that are involved. This foolishness often generates troublesome situations and even massive catastrophes. In the play, "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, since Romeo and Benvolio plan to attend the Capulet ball, Capulet arranges for Juliet to marry Paris, and Friar Lawrence constructs a plan that involves Juliet faking her death, tragedy occurs. As a result, risky arrangements are responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.Romeo and Benvolio's plan to attend the Capulet ball is a main reason why risky arrangements are responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Attending the ball, Romeo and Benvolio cross enemy lines. The servant that invites them to attend warns them of their risk by saying, "Now I'll tell you without asking. My master is the great / rich Capulet, and if you be not of the house of / Montagues, I pray come and crush a cup of wine. Rest / you merry" (Act I; scene ii). This quote illustrates the emphasis on the fact that Montagues should not attend the Ball. Therefore, with the decision to attend, Romeo and Benvolio consciously put themselves in danger. Additionally, it is at the ball Romeo and Juliet meet and fall in love. After Romeo's first acquaintance with the fair Juliet, he saysO she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Buy cheap Romeo and Juliet Essay term paper

As a rich jewel in Ethiop's ear- Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear …Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night (Act I; scene v). Clearly Romeo falls head over heals for Juliet after merely a brief meeting. Furthermore, Capulet tells Tybalt to leave Romeo alone when he spots him at the ball. This causes Tybalt to become furious. Capulet says to Tybalt And to say truth, Verona brags of himTo be a virtuous and well-govern'd youth.I would not for the wealth of all this townHere in my house do him disparagement;Therefore be patient, take no note of him;It is my will, the which if thou respect,Show a fair presence, and put off these frowns,An ill-beseeming semblance for a feast (Act I; scene v).This shows that in attending the ball, Romeo sets himself up for terrible trouble in the future. This is because he causes Tybalt to hold an incredible grudge against him. Romeo and Benvolio's choice to attend the Capulet ball adds to the cause of why risky arrangements are responsible for the death and Romeo and Juliet. An additional Cause to why risky arrangements triggered the death of Romeo and Juliet is Juliet's arranged marriage to Paris. Juliet is incapable of marrying Paris because she is married to and loves Romeo. When marrying Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence says, " Come, come with me, and we will make short work, / For by your leaves, you shall not stay alone / Till Holy Church incorporate two in one" (Act II; Scene vi). This quote illustrates Romeo and Juliet's tie to each other and legal marriage. Juliet cannot obey her fathers order, even if she wants to. Furthermore, since Romeo is banished, Juliet is unable to run off with Romeo, disobeying her father's decree. After Romeo kills Tybalt, the Prince says, "And for that offence / Immediately do we exile him hence…" (Act III; Scene i). This quote demonstrates Juliet's entrapment. She is not only unable to marry Paris, but simultaneously, she is incapable of not marrying him. Without Romeo, Juliet has nowhere to escape. In addition, Juliet cannot explain to her parents the real reason why she is incapable of marrying Paris. Thus, Juliet tells her mother Now by Saint Peter's Church and Peter too,He shall not make me there a joyful bride.I wonder at this haste, that I must wedEre he that should be husband comes to woo.I pray you tell my lord and father, madam,I will not marry yet, and when I do, I swearIt shall be Romeo, whom you know I hate,Rather than Paris. These are news indeed! (Act III; Scene v)By saying this, it illustrates that Juliet has to tell her parents false reasons to why she is unable to marry Paris, to prevent the seemingly inevitable marriage. Although she yearns to tell her parents the true reason, that is not a chose because of the grudge between the families. Juliet's arrangement to marry Paris is a cause to why risky arrangements initiate the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. A final reason to why risky arrangements are to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet is because Friar Lawrence conjures up a plan to help Romeo and Juliet that involves Juliet faking her death. Balthasar, blind to Friar's plan, tells Romeo that Juliet is actually dead. Balthasar says Then she is well and nothing can be illHer body sleeps in Capels' monument,And her immortal part with angels lives.I saw her laid low in her kindred's vault,And presently took post to tell it to you.O pardon me for bringing these ill news,Since you did leave it for my office, sir (Act V; scene i).This quote is crucial because it shows the demolishment the entire plan. Besides Juliet and Friar Lawrence, Romeo is the only person who is suppose to know that Juliet is actually alive. With Romeo thinking that Juliet is dead, tragedy occurs. In addition, the letter describing Friar's plan, does not reach Romeo. Regarding this misfortune, Friar John tells Friar Lawrence that, " I could not send it-here it is again- / Nor get a messenger to bring it to thee, / So fearful were they of infection" (Act V; scene ii). Without the message, Romeo not only has no way of knowing the plan but, there is also no way for him to know that Juliet is really alive. The plan becomes not only completely destroyed, but moreover, turned lethal. Furthermore, Romeo travels to the vault to find Juliet "dead". Upon sight of his frail lady, Romeo says, " O my love, my wife, / Death, hath suck'd the honey out of they breath…" (Act V; Scene iii). With knowledge of her death and now actual sight of her seeming dead, Romeo is completely convinced of her parting. Friar Lawrence's plan to help Romeo and Juliet, involving Juliet faking her death, adds to the reason why risky arrangements caused the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. It is rather apparent why risky arrangements are responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. There is no other reason as large and accountable. Romeo and Benvolio's plan to attend the Capulet ball, Juliet's arrangement to marry Paris, and Friar Lawrence's plan involving Juliet faking her own death make risky situations the prime trigger of the two lovers' deaths. From this play, perhaps people will begin to contemplate the risks involved in their plans before executing them.

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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Trinidad and Tobago Foreign Policy Towards Mexico: Revitalizing Relations and Refocusing on Critical Elements in Cooperation

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Trinidad and Tobago Foreign Policy Towards Mexico Revitalizing Relations and Refocusing on Critical Elements in CooperationTrinidad and Tobago and Mexico have maintained social and economic ties for the last four decades. The relationship has been governed by the wider Caricom/ Mexico Economic Cooperation Agreement, and by a series of non-economic agreements that were signed by Trinidad and Tobago and Mexico in 18 the Basic Agreement for Technical and Scientific Cooperation; the Agreement on Educational and Cultural Cooperation, the Agreement between the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and the Government of Mexico on Cooperation in Combating Illicit Traffic in and Use of Narcotic Drugs and Psycho-tropic Substances and Related Crimes, and the Agreement on Academic Cooperation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of both countries. In an era of free trade, diplomatic efforts naturally tend to be focused on the economic element. However, given the insignificant amount of trade that has been carried out between these two countries, it may be more practical for Trinidad and Tobago to pursue a foreign policy towards Mexico which will emphasize co-operation in a range of service-related areas, rather than concentrate on trade in goods. Mexico' Foreign Policy towards CaricomThe Caricom/ Mexico Economic Cooperation Agreement has been the basis of Caricom's relations with Mexico. There were no trade concessions in that agreement, which largely focused on mechanisms to improve trade, such as information exchange, trade promotion and cultural and technical cooperation. Overtures from Caricom have been made to conclude a trade agreement similar to that with Venezuela and Colombia, but without success. Trinidad and Tobago is in the process of discussing a possible Free Trade Agreement with Mexico, but generally, the latter is regarded as too competitive by the Caricom countries .

Write my Essay on Trinidad and Tobago Foreign Policy Towards Mexico: Revitalizing Relations and Refocusing on Critical Elements in Cooperation

Through the Mexico-Caricom Cooperation Programme, countries which the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), of which Mexico is a member, has designated as "non-cooperative", receive assistance. This non cooperation is defined in terms of those Caribbean states not effectively cooperating with the OECD in combating money laundering or pursuing tax practices which are harmful to OECD resident investors. Mexico is also pursuing an initiative to allow St. Lucia, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica and Haiti to enter into a cooperation agreement with that country. In this respect, Mexico proposed a "Caribbean Conference on Maritime Delimitation" which was held in December 001. The Conference approved its Rules of Procedure, elected officers and opened the Registry of Maritime Delimitation Negotiations. Both Mexico and Belize registered their maritime delimitations. It would be a regional forum that seeks to encourage all relevant parties to sit at the negotiating table.Mexico favours the OAS Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM), which is aimed at evaluating the compliance of OAS members in their implementation of anti-drug measures. It also supports the promotion of new ways of cooperation against transnational organized crime. Mexico sees Caricom and the Caribbean region as forming a "third border" with that country. In the Mexican context, it is apparent that this Third Border policy has as its objective a Mexican diplomatic and economic thrust into the Caribbean. The country has thus sought to increase its trade, diplomatic relations and political influence within the Caribbean region.There is in existence a Programme of Cooperation between Mexico and the University of the West Indies. In addition, there are tertiary institutions in Mexico which participate in a scholarship programme for Caribbean and Central American students. These studies are carried out mainly at the Masters level. Among the participating institutions are the Universidad Autonoma de Quintana Roo, The UNAM, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Universidad de Guanajuato, Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, the National Polytechnic Institute and CINVESTAN. Trinidad and Tobago/ Mexico RelationsTrinidad and Tobago and Mexico established diplomatic ties on April 0, 166. To date, the two countries continue to enjoy friendly relations particularly since both nations played a key role in establishing the Headquarters of the Association of Caribbean States in Trinidad. A trade relationship does exist between the two regions and Trinidad and Tobago's main exports to Mexico include iron and steel, ammonia, methanol, aerated beverages, and machinery. Our main imports from that country are chick peas, natural barium, iron-ore agglomerates, poly-acetals, ethers, iron sheets, electronics, tubes, aluminium foil, and cellular plates and reception apparatus. Companies in Trinidad and Tobago, such as the Trinidad Cement Limited (TCL) and Courts (Trinidad) Limited have been conducting business with well-known Mexican companies such as CEMEX, an internationally recognized cement manufacturer, and MABE, which is involved in furniture manufacturing. CEMEX, which has a 0% shareholding in TCL, recently lost its bid to acquire the total shareholding of TCL. In addition, CARONI (175)Ltd. has benefited from the donation of plant seeds from the Government of Mexico in the implementation of its diversification programme. The Mexican company BUFETE Industrial, which maintained a strategic alliance with Caribbean Ispat, the national iron and steel company of Trinidad and Tobago, recently concluded operations. Moreover, in the area of small business development in Trinidad and Tobago, it was suggested that the Small Business Development Company, the Development Finance Company (DFC) and the Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) could benefit from cooperation with the Mexican Entrepreneurial Bank, NAFINSA (Nacional Financiera), the largest development bank in Latin America and the most important financier of small and medium enterprises. NAFINSA has indicated its willingness to assist in providing technical assistance and both the ADB and DFC have advised of their interest in establishing some form of cooperation. In addition, in 14, the Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property indicated its interest in negotiating an Intellectual Property Rights Agreement with Trinidad and Tobago. This is yet to be followed up.There have been concerted efforts over the years on the part of both countries to improve and deepen bilateral relations. In July 14, a Trinidad and Tobago delegation visited Mexico to hold talks with Mexican government officials and private sector representatives to seek support for this country's entry into the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and to strengthen relations between the two countries. It was proposed that a Memorandum of Understanding be signed indicating the intention of both countries to undertake the following agreements on· Double Taxation· Visa Abolition· Bilateral Trade· Intellectual Property Rights· Bilateral Investment; and · Technical Cooperation (there is also an existing Technical Cooperation Agreement between Caricom and Mexico)Of these arrangements, the Visa Abolition Agreement in respect of holders of Diplomatic Official passports was concluded in 17, and an agreement for Technical and Scientific Cooperation have been signed between Trinidad and Tobago and Mexico. A Draft Memorandum of Understanding and a Trinidad and Tobago Model Double Taxation Agreement were sent to the Government of Mexico for consideration. A response is still outstanding. High level contacts also occurred in 16 when the two countries met for talks on the possibility of a Free Trade Agreement between them, with the provision for subsequent accession by other Caricom states. Other possible agreements have been discussed with a view to enhancing trade and investment between Trinidad and Tobago and Mexico.In 18, a number of agreements were signed between the two governments· Agreement on Educational and Cultural Cooperation;· Basic Agreement for Technical Scientific Cooperation;· Agreement on Cooperation in Combating Illicit Traffic in and Abuse of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances;· Agreement on Academic Cooperation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of both countries.The four agreements have been ratified by both countries and have entered into force following the relevant notifications by both Governments. The decision was also taken then, to initiate negotiations for the conclusion of a bilateral Free Trade Agreement. The Government of Mexico had submitted a draft text for the consideration of the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and preliminary discussions were held in Mexico in 17. In spite of these agreements though, Trinidad and Tobago's relations with Mexico are not as vibrant as those which exist with the former and other Latin American countries. It is felt that in an era when the FTAA will soon be the most formidable trade arrangement in this hemisphere, the island state will do well to practise a new diplomacy towards Latin America and particularly, to enhance its relationship with Mexico.The Future of Trinidad and Tobago-Mexico RelationsIn terms of economic relations, the United States is by far Mexico's largest trading partner. The coming into play of NAFTA further compounded the commercial ties. Strong growth in U.S.-Mexico trade reflects, to a great extent, the large trade volume in intermediate goods, or those that are further processed for additional export. The maquiladora trade, which by definition involves joint production facilities in both countries, actually expanded in 15 even when total US exports to Mexico fell following the 14 peso devaluation. This emphasizes the significance of efficiency gains from intra-industry trade, an important dynamic of U.S.-Mexico economic integration.NAFTA affected key Caribbean export sectors and goods, particularly textiles and apparel. To the extent that tariff differentials led to trade diversion, Mexicos welfare has been improved at the expense of the Caribbean countries. Trinidad and Tobago certainly can not compete with the United States as a trading partner of Mexico.The trade between Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago is a miniscule proportion of total trade for the both countries concerned. From 15-18 Trinidad and Tobago maintained a favourable balance of trade with Mexico. This trend was reversed in 18 however, with the trade balance plummeting from $USD 118,07.0 to -$USD 40,555.0, and continuing this negative trend the following year, as the table will indicate. Mexico's trade with Trinidad and Tobago is dominated by steel products. The export of wire rods and ferrous products comprised 5% of Trinidad and Tobago's total exports to Mexico in 15 and 88%of this trade in 16. (US$7M). Methanol is the next largest item in Trinidad and Tobago's exports to Mexico, comprising 5% (US$6.5M) and 11% (US$.M) of total exports in 15 and 16 respectively . A few minor manufactured products are also exported. Trinidad and Tobago's imports from Mexico are concentrated in the category of food preparation- milk, baby food, cereals, coffee- and other manufactures- chemical products, electronic instruments, and some machinery and tools. The existing trade is not really significant in terms of value or volume. It is dominated by products from resource based industries which require special bulk arrangements. The rest of the trade which comprises general cargo, often less than a container load (LCL), is dependent on a regular scheduled shipping service. This is one of the key factors that limit travel and trade links between Trinidad and Tobago and Mexico. The lack of a competitive, high frequency direct shipping or air service on the routes, hinders the development of trade, particularly in manufactured and semi-manufactured products, between the two countries. There is thus an urgent need for the further liberalization of air and sea transport between the two regions.Another obstacle to trade is the language barrier. At present, even though a cultural programme is in place, there is only minimal contact between the two peoples. There is a high level of ignorance on both parts, with regard to history, culture, and language, and the problem can only be rectified by more meaningful interaction between the two populations.Given the relatively low level of trade between the two countries, it is quite doubtful whether Trinidad and Tobago's foreign policy towards Mexico should be focused on concretizing commercial linkages in the area of trade in goods. Indeed, the cooperation should perhaps centre on trade in services, as well as non-economic issues such as collaboration and assistance in education, technology, health, transportation, government and external affairs, and environmental issues. In fact, cooperation in the area of tourism should be explored in greater depth, particularly with regard to consultation, exchange of information, joint promotion in advertising Trinidad and Tobago and Mexico as quintessential tourist destinations, and financing and training of human resources. The offshoot of cooperation in tourism is collaboration in music and entertainment. Trinidad and Tobago should seek to encourage the development of joint private sector initiatives that could support the music and entertainment industry. Cooperation in educational and cultural matters is a key factor in strengthening relations between Trinidad and Tobago and Mexico. Of course there is already in place a scholarship programme for Caricom nationals, of which some Trinidadian students take full advantage . Indeed, in 1, three nationals of Trinidad and Tobago were pursuing university programmes in Mexico in Tourism, Agriculture and Regional Planning. Another was undertaking research at the prestigious Colegio de Mexico, and two other nationals were offered scholarships to pursue studies in Tourism. Since then, additional scholarships have been granted by the Mexican government in a number of areas, especially the area of education. However, there needs to be a consultation mechanism that will make it possible to streamline cooperative activities and projects in the fields of education, restoration and conservation of the cultural heritage; painting and sculpture, music, dance and theatre; archives, libraries and publications; audio-visual material; youth and sports. Special emphasis should be placed on the problem that language differences present in realizing exchanges in education and scholarships and therefore, efforts should be geared towards preparing Spanish and English language promotion programmes. In terms of technology transfer, the telecommunications sector is undergoing rapid transformation in Central America on the whole, and as such, Trinidad and Tobago and Mexico should encourage collaboration and co-operation between information technology and telecommunications providers in both regions, as well as develop joint statistical projects that collect data and information on inter-regional investment, migration and business activities in the countries. Moreover, technical workshops should be promoted to build regional knowledge of the markets, and stimulate entrepreneurial interest and participation in the industry. The possibilities for collaboration between Trinidad and Tobago and Mexico are endless. Admittedly, import/export activity is of the utmost importance in this era of trade liberalization; but smaller economies like Trinidad and Tobago must think "outside the box" in order to maximize the benefits they can obtain from linkages with their more developed counterparts.

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